Faith-based organizations, particularly Christian charities, play a significant role in providing humanitarian assistance around the world. If you prefer donating to a faith-based organization as opposed to a secular humanitarian organization, DONARE has selected thirteen charity organizations and one alliance that deliver emergency humanitarian aid needed in crises worldwide.
CARITAS Internationalis
Caritas Internationalis (Caritas International) is a worldwide emergency and disaster relief organization. Caritas Internationalis, a confederation of over 160 members, is the umbrella organization of the national Caritas associations, the welfare organizations of the Catholic Church. These charitable organizations are active worldwide in emergency aid, development aid and social services. Caritas Internationalis has its headquarters in Rome. Caritas was first founded in Germany in 1897; Caritas Internationalis was set up in 1951. The organization is operating in over 200 countries and territories worldwide.
Donate now to Caritas Internationalis
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. Founded in 1943 by the Bishops of the United States, the agency provides assistance to people in more than 110 countries and territories. CRS is a member of Caritas Internationalis and one of the largest Christian humanitarian organizations globally.
Donate now to Catholic Relief Services
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD)
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) is the official Catholic aid agency for England and Wales. CAFOD is a member of Caritas Internationalis. Working through local partners, CAFOD currently supports national NGO partners in providing humanitarian assistance in more than 30 countries across the world. The faith-based aid agency was established in 1960; CAFOD Headquarters are located in London.
Donate now to CAFOD
Development and Peace – Caritas Canada
Established in 1967 by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada is the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada and the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis (Caritas International). The organization also responds to humanitarian crises caused by natural disasters or conflict.
Donate now to Caritas Canada
Christian Aid
Christian Aid is a humanitarian aid and development organization of more than 40 Christian churches in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Founded in 1947, the faith-based Christian charity works to promote sustainable development, eradicate poverty, support civil society and provide disaster relief in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and South America. Christian Aid works with local partners and communities to fight injustice, respond to humanitarian emergencies, and advocate for social change. Christian Aid is headquartered in London. A member of the ACT Alliance, this non-governmental organization (NGO) currently operates in 29 countries around the world.
Donate now to Christian Aid
Islamic Relief
lslamic Relief is a faith-based humanitarian and development agency working to save the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people. Established in 1984, the organization now works in over 45 countries assisting individuals, families and communities through emergency response and development projects. Islamic Relief Worldwide is based in the United Kingdom.
Donate now to lslamic Relief
Please note: The Islamic Relief Worldwide network consists of 15 independent partner organizations in Europe, Africa, Asia and the USA. You can directly donate to one of the partner organizations.
Partner organizations
Lutheran World Relief (LWR)
Lutheran World Relief (LWR) is a Christian non-governmental organization (NGO) that focuses on sustainable development projects as well as international disaster relief. The NGO was founded in 1945. Lutheran World Relief is based in the United States and operates currently in East and West Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East. The humanitarian organization is a member of the ACT Alliance.
Donate now to Lutheran World Relief
MAP International
MAP International - Medical Assistance Program International - is a Christian humanitarian organization based in the United States. Its mission is to deliver medicines and healthcare supplies to people in humanitarian crises around the world. Founded in 1954, the non-governmental organization (NGO) is currently active in around 80 countries. In disaster relief medicines and health supplies are MAP’s primary focus, but the NGO also provides blankets, clothing, water filters and other emergency supplies.
Donate now to MAP International
World Vision International
World Vision International (WVI) is a Christian evangelical non-governmental organization (NGO) with a focus on development cooperation and humanitarian disaster relief. The emphasis of its work is also on helping children at risk. WVI was founded in 1950 and is now one of the world's largest aid organizations and one of the largest Christian non-governmental organizations. The NGO's fundraising projects are primarily financed through child sponsorships. World Vision International is active in more than 90 countries.
Donate now to World Vision International
Sponsor a child
Please note: You may be redirected to a country's support office. You can directly donate via a national office.
National Offices
- World Vision US
- World Vision Deutschland
- World Vision UK
- World Vision Ireland
- World Vision Australia
- World Vision Canada
- World Vision New Zealand
- World Vision Hong Kong
- World Vision South Korea
- World Vision Taiwan
Tearfund is an evangelical Christian nongovernmental organization (NGO) based in in the United Kingdom which partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. The name "Tearfund" is an acronym derived from "The Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund". Founded in the UK in 1968 to help the people affected by war in Biafra, the NGO’s primary focus is on supporting those in poverty and providing disaster relief for disadvantaged people. Tearfund is operating mainly through local Christian churches and other Christian partner organizations around the world.
Donate now to Tearfund
Please note: Ten international charities have been launched in partnership with Tearfund. You can directly donate to one of the sister organizations.
Sister organizations
- Tearfund Germany
- Tearfund USA
- Tearfund Australia
- Tearfund Canada
- Tearfund Ireland
- Tearfund New Zealand
- Tearfund Netherlands
- Sel France
- Tearfund Belgium
- TearFund Switzerland
World Relief
World Relief is an evangelical Christian humanitarian nongovernmental organization (NGO) based in the United States, also known by its full name World Relief Corporation of National Association of Evangelicals. The faith-based NGO’s mission is to empower local churches to serve the most vulnerable people in the fight against poverty, violence and injustice. The organization was founded in 1944 - in the aftermath of World War II - to respond to the urgent humanitarian needs of war-torn Europe. World Relief partners with local churches and communities to develop locally-driven solutions to humanitarian needs. Its headquarters are based in Baltimore, Maryland.
Donate to World Relief now
ADRA International
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA or ADRA International) is a faith-based humanitarian agency operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church for the purpose of providing disaster relief and development cooperation. Originally known as the Seventh–day Adventist Welfare Service (SAWS), the Christian charity was established in 1956. ADRA International is headquartered in Silver Spring, United States.
Donate now to ADRA International
Please note: You can directly donate to one of the partner organizations within the ADRA network.
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
The Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is a global faith-based organization that focuses on humanitarian assistance, disaster relief and development work. Founded in 1920 by Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches, MCC seeks to provide assistance to people in need, regardless of their background or beliefs. The organization's work includes supporting peace-building efforts, providing food and shelter in crisis situations, and engaging in sustainable development projects. Its headquarters are located in Akron, Ohio, USA, and Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The MCC Western Europe office is located in Strasbourg, France.
Donate now to the Mennonite Central Committee
- Mennonite Church USA: One of the largest Mennonite groups in the Unites States and an active participant in MCC programs - Mennonite Church Canada: Represents Mennonite congregations across Canada, which also work with MCC
ACT Alliance
ACT Alliance is a faith-based coalition of Protestant and Orthodox churches and church-related organizations engaged in humanitarian, development and advocacy work. The Alliance, which takes its name from "Action by Churches Together," consists of more than 150 member organizations working together in more than 120 countries. According to the ACT Alliance, it aims to assist the poor and marginalized regardless of their religion, politics, gender, sexual orientation, race or nationality. The coalition was founded in 2010.
Please note: To support ACT Alliance or its members with a donation, you will have to donate directly to one of its members.
Some of the more prominent members include
- Bread for the World - Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe - DanChurchAid (DCA) - Finnish Church Aid (FCA) - Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) - The Salvation Army
Please be aware: Faith-based organizations may pursue additional goals. If you prefer to donate to an ideologically independent organization, choose a secular humanitarian organization.
Related Pages
Browse by Country
- Humanitarian Organizations United States
- Humanitarian Organizations United Kingdom
- Humanitarian Organizations Canada
- Humanitarian Organizations Australia
Browse by Topic
- Humanitarian Crisis Relief
- Refugees and IDPs
- Children in Need
- Hunger and Food Insecurity
- Medical Humanitarian Aid
- Vulnerable Groups
- Faith-Based Humanitarian Organizations
See also