Tired of donating? No money to give? Several humanitarian aid organizations allow you to set up and run your own fundraiser for a specific occasion or on a topic of your own choosing. A distinction must be made between traditional fundraising campaigns, for example as part of an event, and online fundraising campaigns. Many non-governmental organizations offer both.
Online fundraising is part of digital fundraising. In this case, processing is software-supported by technical IT platforms in the background. Most organizations offer additional information material and support for traditional fundraising campaigns. All these campaigns have one thing in common: You act as a fundraiser for the benefit of the organization you have selected. Find out now about the opportunities and the details. DONARE has selected eighteen non-governmental organizations that currently facilitate fundraisers by individuals or groups.
Please note: When conducting fundraisers, additional administrative costs may be incurred on the part of the charity, possibly reducing the portion of your donation that goes directly to project work.
Start a fundraising campaign in the United States
Start a fundraising campaign in the United Kingdom
Oxfam UK | Fundraise with Oxfam https://www.oxfam.org.uk/get-involved/fundraise-with-oxfam/ |
United Kingdom for UNHCR | Fundraise for Refugees https://www.unrefugees.org.uk/take-action/fundraise-for-refugees/ |
Save the Children UK | Fundraise for Save the Children UK https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/how-you-can-help/events-and-fundraising |
UNICEF UK | Fundraise for UNICEF https://www.unicef.org.uk/fundraise/ |
CARE UK | Fundraise for CARE https://www.careinternational.org.uk/get-involved/fundraise-care |
MSF UK (Doctors without Borders) | Fundraise for MSF https://msf.org.uk/fundraise-msf |
Action Against Hunger UK | Create your own fundraiser https://www.actionagainsthunger.org.uk/get-involved/fundraise-for-us |
Concern Worldwide | Fundraise for Concern https://www.concern.net/fundraise-for-concern |
Fundraising Platforms
JustGiving is an international online platform for giving. The platform helps people raise money for charities. JustGiving's headquarters are located in the United Kingdom.
Tiltify is an international social fundraising platform that helps people raise money for non-governmental organizations. Tiltify is based in the United States.
FundraisingBox is a digital fundraising platform that enables non-governmental organizations worldwide to offer digital fundraising. FundraisingBox is based in Germany
Classy is a giving platform that offers solution for online fundraising. The platform is based in the United States.
Raisely is a digital fundraising platform for charities and nonprofit organizations. The platform is based in Australia.